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Your Trusted Partner for Pet Vaccinations in Denville, NJ

For our vets in Denville, NJ, ensuring your pets receive essential vaccinations and top-notch care is our highest priority. Denville Animal Hospital is a state-of-the-art facility with the latest medical technology to provide comprehensive care. Our dedicated veterinarians are highly trained and experienced in protecting your furry friends from various diseases. We also offer routine check-ups, dental care, surgical procedures, and emergency care, ensuring your pets receive the best care throughout their lives. Trust us to help maintain the health and happiness of your cherished companions. Give us a call today to schedule your next visit.

Two beautiful cats

Why Pet Vaccinations Matters

Vaccination is crucial in defending your pet from various diseases and health complications. It boosts your pet’s immune system, helping them to fight off potentially harmful infections. Vaccines stimulate an immune response, which prepares your pet’s body to fight future infections. By vaccinating your pet, you are investing in a healthier and happier life for them.

Your Pet’s Vaccination Schedule

Remember, these are general guidelines. Our veterinarians will help tailor a vaccination schedule to fit the pet’s needs. Vaccination schedules vary depending on the type of pet and their age. Here’s a general guideline for puppies, kittens, dogs, and cats:

Puppies and Kittens at 8 Weeks

  • Puppies: 5-in-1 (DA2P + Parvovirus), Roundworm & Hookworm Deworm, Fecal Testing
  • Kittens: 3-in-1 (FVRCP), Roundworm & Hookworm Dewormer, Fecal Testing

12 Weeks

  • Puppies: 5-in-1 (DA2P + Parvovirus), Lepto 4, Roundworm & Hookworm Deworm, Nasal Bordetella
  • Kittens: 3-in-1 (FVRCP), Feline Leukemia (FeLV), Roundworm & Hookworm Dewormer

16 Weeks

  • Puppies: 5-in-1 (DA2P + Parvovirus), Lepto 4, Injectable Bordetella, Roundworm & Hookworm Deworm, Rabies
  • Kittens: 3-in-1 (FVRCP), PureVax Rabies, Feline Leukemia (FeLV), Roundworm & Hookworm Dewormer

Annually for Adult Dogs

  • Adult Dog Pack: 5-in-1 (DA2P + Parvovirus), Lepto 4, Bordetella, Fecal Testing
  • Every three years (Initial Vaccination Good for 1 Year): Rabies Vaccine

Annually for Cats

  • Adult Cat Pack: 3-in-1 (FVRCP), PureVax Rabies, Fecal Testing, Feline Leukemia (FeLV) if exposed to outdoor cats

Act Now for a Healthy Pet

Your pet’s health matters to us as much as it does to you. Contact Denville Animal Hospital for assistance with your pet’s vaccinations and general health care. Our experienced veterinarians are here to answer your questions and guide you toward a healthy pet. We offer regular check-ups, nutritional counseling, and preventive care to ensure your pet receives the best care. Call us today to schedule an appointment and see how we can support you and your furry friend. Let’s work together to ensure your pet enjoys a long, happy, and healthy life.

We Keep Your Furry and Feathered Family Healthy