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General Veterinary Services in Denville, NJ

At Denville Animal Hospital in Denville, NJ, we offer top-notch veterinary services to all our furry clients. Our friendly team understands the unique bond between you and your pet and partners with you to keep them healthy and happy. We cater to dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, and ferrets. From routine check-ups and vaccinations to dental care and emergency services, we handle all aspects of pet health. We believe in preventative care and educate pet owners on maintaining their pets’ well-being. Our single-doctor practice ensures individualized attention, tailored treatment plans, and a comfortable, stress-free environment for you and your pet. Your pet’s health is our top priority.

Our General Veterinary Services

Our veterinary services ensure the health and well-being of your pets. From routine check-ups and vaccinations to advanced diagnostics and surgical procedures, our dedicated team is here to provide the highest level of care for your furry family members. We offer a comprehensive range of general veterinary services, including:

Preventive & Wellness Medicine

Our team is committed to keeping your furry friends healthy and happy. One of the best ways to ensure your pet’s health and wellbeing is through preventative care. We offer a variety of vaccinations to help protect your pet from illnesses and diseases that can be dangerous or even fatal. Our team can help you determine which vaccines are necessary for your pet based on their age, lifestyle, and risk factors. ‌

Urgent Care

When your pet has an immediate, non-emergency needs during our office hours, Denville Animal Hospital is here for you. We have the medical equipment to treat your pet immediately and help you make the best decisions for your pet's quality of life. Walk – ins welcome, same day appointments available.

Spay, Neuter & Soft Tissue Surgeries

Safe and effective surgeries to improve your pet’s overall health and avoid health issues such as aggressive behavior, mammary or testicular tumors, prostate issues, uterine infections, and more.
You can trust our team to put your animal’s welfare first in everything we do. Before every surgery, we perform a preliminary exam and blood work to make sure your pet is healthy. Our vet will assess your pet’s condition to determine what surgical procedures, if any, will be necessary to restore your pet’s health.

On site Digital X-ray & Mobile Ultrasound Imaging

Pet radiography and ultrasound is non-invasive tools that allows us to examine your pet’s health in great detail. With this we have the availability to uncover hidden health issues, assess injuries, and monitor continuing conditions.


Our hospitalization services preformed during our office hours are designed to cater to pets requiring medical care, ensuring their comfort, safety, and recovery. When your furry companion faces a health challenge, you can trust our team to provide the utmost care and attention throughout their stay. Safe and comfortable accommodation for your pet during medical treatments.


Our in-house lab machines can run in-house blood tests which saves valuable time in receiving results whether it be for regular wellness visits or urgent care.
We also have a trusted outside laboratory where we can send out bloodwork, urine, fecal and other tests for a more extensive look at your pet’s results.

Dental Scaling, Polishing, & Surgery

Just as it’s important for you to see a dentist regularly, it’s important for dogs and cats as well. Your pet’s oral health is directly connected to their overall health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to periodontal disease, tooth loss, painful gums, and other serious health problems such as heart, liver, and kidney disease.
We are committed to educating our clients on the importance of dental health and we include a thorough dental screening at every examination.

Senior & Geriatric Care

Nurturing the Golden Years. As our pets age, their health needs change. We recognize that your senior pet has distinct needs, and we are here to give them specialized attention and compassion, ensuring that their golden years are filled with comfort and happiness. It is also very important that senior pets are examined regularly even more than once a year if possible.

Hill’s & Royal Canin Prescription Diets

We carry prescriptions diets in the office as well as online. We understand that some pets require additional help in the form of prescription diets that target a specific health issue. Whether your pet is dealing with an allergy, digestive problem, weight gain/loss or kidney disease these tailored diets contain specific ingredients for unique nutritional needs.


Microchipping provides you as an owner a way to obtain permanent identification of your pet. With HomeAgain microchips, if your lost pet is recovered, a microchip allows animal shelters, rescue groups, animal control officers and animal health care providers a means of identifying the animal and a contact for their owner. A microchip, the size of a grain of rice has a barcode. It is implanted by injection just under the skin and remains there permanently. Lifetime registration forms are completed by our office. There are no yearly renewal fees.

On site Pharmaceuticals & Online Pharmacy

Our on site pharmacy carries a wide variety of commonly prescribed veterinary medications including anti-inflammatory and pain medications, antibiotics, heart medications, gastroprotectants, flea tick and heartworm preventions and many other products. We also have our own online pharmacy partnered with a trusted company, Covetrus VRXPRO, which allows clients access to a variety of products. Your purchases will ship directly to your home keeping you and your furry friends happy and health

A man kissing a dog

Healthcare Options & Payments

It is important to us to provide the highest standard of care at affordable prices. We offer various healthcare options to help with vet bill payments, ensuring your pet’s health isn’t compromised due to financial constraints. In addition to our affordable prices, we also respect the value of the human-animal bond and strive to provide personalized and compassionate pet care.

Cat and Dog on a lap of their parents

Scheduling Your Appointment

Emergencies can occur at any time. Our computerized appointment book allows us to efficiently schedule appointments for you and your pet, even in an emergency. Our highly trained receptionists will accommodate all your requests to the best of their ability. Should you ever feel that your pet needs emergency treatment, do not hesitate to call us immediately. If possible, we recommend calling before coming in so that a team member can advise you on your particular emergency.

We Prioritize Your Pet’s Health

At Denville Animal Hospital, your pet’s health is our top priority. We offer various veterinary services, from routine check-ups and vaccinations to advanced diagnostics and surgeries. Our facility is equipped with the latest technology to provide the best care for your pets. For more details or to schedule an appointment, call us today. Our friendly team is ready to help ensure your pet’s health and happiness. We know pets are family and provide compassionate, personalized care tailored to each pet’s needs.

We Keep Your Furry and Feathered Family Healthy